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Home > Rent a car > Enterprise Rent-A-Car
Rent a car - Enterprise Rent-A-Car

Enterprise Rent-A-Car

Information about Enterprise Rent-A-Car :
Location/Address : 5205 Stilesboro Rd NW Ste 110 Kennesaw, GA 30152
Phone number : (770) 428-5151
Website URL : http://enterpriserentcar.com
Email : Contact Enterprise Rent-A-Car
Rating : Not Rated Yet.

Brief Description : Enjoy fast and easy car rental with Enterprise Rent-A-Car at our branch in Marietta, GA. Just one of the 7,200 branches in over 30 countries helping with your car rental needs. Enterprise Rent-A-Car was founded by Jack Taylor in 1957 and is known for an extensive network of locations, everyday low rates and outstanding customer service, including picking up local customers at no extra cost. Taylor named the company after an aircraft carrier on which he had served, the World War II USS Enterprise. We've always operated through an extensive network of local, neighborhood offices, each powered by the energy of a small, highly entrepreneurial team. Our first customers were the ones who really shaped the business model that we use today. They told us they wanted to rent cars where they live and work. We have a well-established track record for making rental service convenient and affordable for those who prefer to "buy for the need and rent for the exception."

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